I am a versatile, patent-holding designer with multiple product launches under my belt.  Products I’ve designed span a wide spectrum of industries, including fashion, consumer products, tools, and commercial equipment.  During the course of my 11 year career, I’ve repeatedly proven my ability to study the needs of the end user and translate them into innovative, manufacturable, and successful products.


I have experience working in all stages of the product development process, including:

  1. Conducting on-site end user research and summarizing findings.

  2. Working with multidisciplinary teams to create the design brief to ensure that the final design remains cost-effective, solves end user needs, and meets engineering specifications.

  3. Conducting trend research and assembling inspiration / tear boards.

  4. Concept generation through both sketching and renderings.

  5. Concept evaluation using hand-made ergonomic and scale prototypes, as well as conducting user surveys.

  6. Concept refinement through interaction with engineering and manufacturing teams to achieve the optimal design.

  7. Concept execution through completion of on-product artwork, management of instruction manual content, and creation of marketing collateral images.

  8. Management and oversight of design and engineering services from outside firms and vendors, including Asian manufacturers.

I hope this site will give you a good introduction to me and my work.

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